How to Protect Tukad Buleleng's Estuary

Based on the exposure to the discussion in the previous chapter; the conclusions that can be drawn are:
The level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary dynamically follows the dimension of time. It means that from a certain time differs based on the influencing factor. The factors that most affect the level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary is that the human activity. In addition, the other factors which are also influential, mainly the physical conditions, like river currents, waves, tides and sunlight exposure. In general, the level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary is in critical condition. Pollution is at an intermediate level.
The water pollution at the estuary of Tukad Buleleng implicates toward the biotic and non biotic environment. Non biotic environment affected is that the quality of the water itself. The quality of water in estuaries and seaward has a low quality with E water category. The non biotic elements affected are that the lower air quality as a result of a foul smell and fishy. Concerning to the impact of biotic elements; the water pollution in the estuary of Tukad Buleleng does not reveal a specific and clear bio-indicators, such as the death of biota. Small fish, water snails, algae water are still able to live in the estuary of Tukad Buleleng. However, the biota life is disrupted by the waste substances that settle in the bottom of the estuary. The muddy water and high temperature would interfere the organisms’ breathing; thus, they need to have a high adaptability toward their environment. 
Here they are how to protect Tukad Buleleng's Estuary

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Other Sources:
-  Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51 tahun 2004
-  Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI No 5 Tahun 2014
-  Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI No 01 Tahun 2010
-  Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 82 Tahun 2001